Saturday, December 05, 2009

One more fire in Chennai

A few days back one more fire was reported: This time from a bank in Tambaram, Chennai. Though it was not reported to be a fire from AC, we got communication/confirmation to that effect.

Why it happened? Can it be avoided?

Though there could be many reasons for the fire in an equipemnt, one reason that I can point out is; The termination of incoming electrical power supply to the indoor units of the split AC, rather than at the outdoor. When it is done this way, there is always a possibility of fire at the terminals whever the compressor starts or stops drwaing high current. The easieat way to eliminate atleast this one possibility is to insist on termination power at the outdoor.

Unfortunately many manufactureres do not have provosion for this: And the simple and SILLY reason? Cost control! By saving a few meters of wiring by whoever is doing that: In most cases the clinet will have to get it done, and to make him happy, manufacturers resort to this dangerous practice.

Can we expect some responsible behaviour from them?

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