Thursday, January 04, 2007

Cool, when you don’t need it! (?) Part I

In our earlier article on

‘How to use AC equipments efficiently’

we concluded by stating that, how to put into beneficial use energy saved by shifting the residences as well as small offices from conventional AC units to inverter based units.

Once upon a time offices used to work from 9 to 5!

No more now: Most of the IT companies work at nights: All call centers work more during nights: Even factories working round the clocks require air conditioning for a lot of areas.

Thus in addition to residences and a very few areas that required air conditioning at nights, a lot more air conditioning is called for at nights. In one way it is good. Because when energy is produced to meet the peak load during the day time, the reduced loads at nights was posing a problem of balancing the production with reduced demand. I believe, it is not an easy task. Well, I will limit myself with this fact, as I am not an expert in it.

Thus there is a need to create loads at nights also, so that production continues without any hitch. That is to say, create work for the sake of consuming available energy!

Air conditioning gives an ideal answer here. In addition, if a new air conditioning technology is available that can take advantage of the reduced demands due to the shift described above any time of the day, it is also beneficial.

Like energy has to be consumed when there is no actual demand,

We need a process of air conditioning that produces cooling, when there is no demand!

Surprising? But a way has been found. We will touch on it in our next posting.