Sunday, August 28, 2011

"Anna" bats and wins for New India-almost a SOLO match!

India Against Corruption (IAC) is a citizen's movement to demand strong anti-corruption lawsMany (Indian)politician's nightmare has just begun!

They never imagined it possible for the people of the country to even think of rising agaisnt the ruling class (opposition included). But that is what has just happened on the evening of 27th Aug 2011. August seems to be India's best month, starting from 1947! May be there are more august Augusts in between that I am not aware of!

There were many educated, intelectual, forward thinking superior class of people putting forward their arguments against Anna, his principles, his past, his philosophy, his means, and his.....what not!

Any ordinary person would have been convinced of those arguments. But Anna and his team do not belong to that 'high class'.

With 100% belief in what they were doing, they continued. The fast was in two parts, in between to be interupted by Baba Ramdev's fast. Just like we are made to feel that even uttering the name BJP is a sin, to a large extent many succeded in branding Baba also the same way. I personally dont agree with that, and I am sad that even team Anna seems to have subscribed to that view. Any how that is not the main topic now.

The UPA government went on many rolarcoaster moves. Was it confusion or tactical moves (do they have it?) but at the end "it was SATYAMEVA JAYATHE"

It was real fun hearing a few young congress MPS even claiming credit to what was happening. One notable found of the entire event was the emergence of a matured Varun Gandhi! Oh,how he spoke whenever he spoke! rahul is no match for this great young man. Hope BJP nurture him properly, instead of dismissing him as another Nehru family man (Not Gandhi family, as the present ruling family is projecting itself to be!)

And during varuns speech, it was funny to look at great kabil Sibal!

Personally my arguments were/are,

1) When 42 years were not sufficient for the Parliment, in what way that parliment is supreme than its people?

2) Having slept for 42 years, what right does this Congress govt has to say that 15 days is not sufficient( They claim credit for having got freedom for India, which is not correct: For example even muslim league gets credit for that, truly)

3) Is not the present PM a bagful of contradictions, having changed his stand many times, say for example in the case A Raja alone?

4) When PC stated a few weeks back, that he needs a minimum of 1 year for effectively creating a new force to monitor the coastal lines siting the procedures as one reason, does he not realise that the terrorists have no such laws preventing them to stage a much bigger attacck, say on Mumbai again? After that what will the great PC do with his force? Defend a non existing coastline?

5)Do they not understand the simple fact that a clean top only is capable of cleansing the system? It is a top down process, and not the other way, though corruption first started from bottom? How can they even think of uttering the sentence that a lokpal alone is not suficient? Then what will?

Ofcourse I agree that with the present mentality, no law can help, because they dont want a change at all, whaich is what Anna is fighting for!

In earlier days of independence, when the elected representatives were reasonably clean, corruption amongst the lower levels when started, was a sort of acceptable to the society, as every one was poor, and a poor govt servant was magnanimuosly allowed to be corrupt in a small way by the public. But in todays society that need for corruption does not exist amongst the younger generation and so they were only looking for a way to fight it! But with a ruling class that not only had the earlier mentality, but which also unfortunately had readied their second/third generations in the same way, they were unable to even imagine a life without corruption! How can the unnatural thing of the present survive? And we are seeing the result

However as Anna has stated, the fight has just begun.

We the citizens can not simply blame others alone.

We can not simply expect all others to fight, and we enjoying a corrupt life.

Every one must become a leader or Anna, instead of waiting for ever some one else to lead us for "our" life!

We can not bribe! I had the first taste of this simple fact a few months ago, when I was travelling by train. Having RAC ticket number 1, I waited for the TTE to allot me a berth. But he did not. Had I been the same old earlier person, I would have simpley bribed him Rs.100 or so and got my birth: I had decided against that, and instead of fighting with him, decided to continue my night travl sitting.

In a train that started ar 6.50 pm, he alloted me the bith almost at midnight at around 11 pm!

And should I say that not only I felt happy and slept well, but also felt on top of the world!

Jai Hind!

Vande Matharam

Bharat Matha ki Jai.

Join India agaianst corruption

India Against Corruption (IAC) is a citizen's movement to demand strong anti-corruption laws

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Don't bother about energy shortages, but continue to waste energy!

To throw out energy into the street is…..PERFECTLY ALL RIGHT

Let energy shortages be there, but continuing with this type of behavior is PERFECTLY OK

Surprised, OR, rather irritated, with these statements?

But that is what we have been doing for, say around 100 years

Heat is the primary from of energy, & we (HVAC engineers) are experts in throwing it out!

Living in a hot country like India, doing this looks very natural for us,
though energy has become an issue all around.

Have you ever said,

“A warm, and pleasant summer day, OR A Hot and horrible summer day”

The first statement is perfectly all right for a westerner from a colder climate!

Similarly have you ever thought of throwing freshly cooled air into the street?

Again that is perfectly OK for a westerner as he is trading heat for that chillness!

But it is the western mind that invented all air conditioning technologies that we use.

They looked at, studied and designed all systems to suit, primarily a colder climate.

Except the standard air conditioning that we are all familiar with.

Let us thank them first for having given us those technologies,
though their pressing needs were mainly heating only!

So when they designed and christened a machine, “heat pump” primarily to pump heat for heating applications we were not concerned: Also as they were “stealing” heat form a colder “outside” it did not matter to them that they were throwing away “precious chillness” into the road, just as we were throwing “precious heat energy” that we stole from indoors!

Yes there are systems called heat pumps that produce products with “heat”

They can produce hot water OR
They can heat air wherever required OR
Simply produce chilled water OR
Get hot water as the main product and chilled water as the by product!

Advantages of such systems are as follows:

1)With pumping of heat rather than directly applying heat energy, it requires less power to produce hot water: C.O.P is the indicator of this
2)In some applications the client can do away with boilers resulting in saving in fuel costs, saving from bothersome boiler acts etc, saving from irksome storage problems of messy fuel. And escape from the clutches of a boiler inspector!
3)Reduction in main chiller capacity (to the extent given by the heat pump.
4)Reduced demand charges to EB (KW demand comes down)
5)Reduced transformer size from EB or the client’s own
6)Standby DG set size and cost come down
7)Value addition for a high rise residential promoter as the clients need not go in for Geysers for the bath rooms
8)Eligibility for governmental concessions for energy saved as and when acts gets passed by the parliament
9)Import benefits for eligible clients as an energy saving equipment
10)Power supply system breaths easy due to reduced demand

And you can add a lot mote benefits
If there are issues or problems,
let us face them to solve it,
rather than rejecting the idea outright!

All "thinking" governements across the globe encourge such advanced concepts. But in India we have time only to think of the next scam!